The Secretary of State adopted four rules related to the filing of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) documents. The amendments specify that all UCC liens and effective financing statement liens under the Federal Food Security Act of 1985 must be filed electronically via the Secretary of State’s website. The amendments also have deleted language concerning format and submission requirements for paper document submissions, update terminology to conform the language to electronic submissions, specify that signatures are electronic signatures, and updated language concerning the name of the Secretary of State’s online information management system. The changes have deleted provisions concerning reprocessing fees for deficient UCC filings.The changes specify that fees will be collected electronically, and the user may save or print copies, but hard copies will not be mailed by the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State repealed one rule that provides format requirements and forms for the filing of paper copy UCC liens.

Paper forms will no longer be accepted after September 26, 2019.

Montana Security of State electronic filing link.