The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) have revised their Form 3749 which is the Maine-specific Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) Assignment of Mortgage.  The revision occurs in the DEFINITIONS section; language and corresponding data elements pertaining to the book number and page number where the mortgage is recorded have been added to the end of the Mortgage definition.

  • Previous Language:

“Mortgage” means the mortgage assigned hereunder, namely that certain Mortgage, securing a note in the original principal amount of $__________, dated __________, from Borrower to Lender and recorded in the ______________ County, Maine, Registry of Deeds.

  • Revised Language:

“Mortgage” means the mortgage assigned hereunder, namely that certain Mortgage, securing a note in the original principal amount of $__________, dated __________, from Borrower to Lender and recorded in the ______________ County, Maine, Registry of Deeds, in book/volume number __________, at page number __________.

The updated Form 3749 with a revision date of “8/17 (rev. 10/18)” is available for immediate use on the Fannie Mae website.  While Freddie Mac’s News/Updates web page indicates the same Form 3749 changes and revision date as Fannie Mae’s News/Updates web page, the revised Form 3749 is not yet available on the Freddie Mac website.

Link to Fannie Mae Updated Form 3749

Link to Fannie Mae Updated Form 3749 Instructions

Link to Fannie Mae Legal Documents News/Updates

Link to Freddie Mac Legal Document News/Updates